The digital age makes access to fast and reliable internet an essential part of everyday life. There is no getting away from it. But, as the video so adeptly points out, this revolutionary mode of being presents a challenge for those living in rural areas.
What Does it Mean to Expand the Broadband?
Expanding broadband refers to the efforts to extend high-speed internet access to more people; particularly to those folks living in underserved areas. Governments, private companies, and non-profit organizations all play a role in expanding broadband.
Funding programs and grants can support infrastructure development, while partnerships between different organizations can help to coordinate efforts and share resources.
To adequately expand broadband connectivity capabilities, there are various strategies that can be implemented; including, but not limited to, building new infrastructure such as fiber-optic cables or utilizing wireless technology to reach difficult-to-connect areas.
The Benefits of Expanding Broadband
Implementing a broadband expansion initiative would have several positive effects on several lives. With access to reliable internet, individuals can take advantage of online schooling opportunities and job training programs, use telehealth services, and even start their own businesses. It also helps to bridge the digital divide by providing equal opportunities for rural residents who were previously at a lesser advantage due to lack of access.