Ever wanted to make your own fiber optic hermetic connector, but don’t know how? The Youtube channel, NETVN, provides a quick demonstration of how you can do this on your own.
First, you’ll need to acquire some tools. Some examples include a crimp tool, a wire cutter, a jacket stripper, an optical fiber cleaver, fiber holders, and fiber jackets.
Ready the wire you wish to convert. Cut and strip the insulation with some wire cutters until a long portion of the blue wire is exposed. Cut off any excess insulation so it doesn’t get in the way.
Next, insert the cable into the jacket stripper. Make sure the insulation only goes up to the cutting limit, so that you won’t cut off anything unnecessary. Once ready, close the jacket stripper, pull and remove 250 micrometers of the fiber coating. Clean the exposed area with cleaning paper soaked in alcohol.
Place the cable into the holder and seal the lock. Once again, place the cable into the jacket stripper as shown. Then place the entire assembly into the fiber cleaver, and cut off a portion of the fiber. Next, insert the cable into the optical cable connector all the way.